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Rabbi Benyamin Tamaiev

Rabbi & Mentor


בְּכָל־דְּרָכֶ֥יךָ דָעֵ֑הוּ וְ֝ה֗וּא יְיַשֵּׁ֥ר אֹֽרְחֹתֶֽיךָ׃ ״"

"In all your ways acknowledge Him,

And He will make your paths smooth."

Welcome! My name is Rabbi Benyamin Tamaiev, and for the past 30 years, I’ve devoted myself to serving community in various capacities.

Why did I choose to be in the helping profession?

Welcome! My name is Rabbi Benyamin Tamaiev, and for the past 30 years, I’ve devoted myself to serving community in various capacities. Beginning as a Sofer Stam, I transcribed sacred texts like Tefilin, Mezuzot, and Torah scrolls, laying the foundation for my spiritual journey.

I assumed diverse roles, from leading congregational prayers as a Chazan/Condoctor to officiating Sefaradi Chuppa ceremonies, symbolizing the union of couples in our tradition.

Teaching young boys for their Bar Mitzvah Torah readings has been particularly fulfilling, witnessing their growth and understanding of our sacred texts.

My involvement expanded as I became a rabbinical pleader, representing individuals in Jewish court, offering counsel, and facilitating resolutions in disputes. I was also honored and certified to provide Chattan Classes, guiding couples before their weddings with wisdom and insights to build strong, enduring Jewish homes.

In addition to these roles, I serve as a financial mediator, assisting families in resolving disputes in accordance with Jewish law.

Unfortunately, part of my duties involves expertise in the laws surrounding one’s passing, conducting burial and after-burial ceremonies with compassion and reverence.

My profession is more than just a career—it’s a calling and a mission. Whether through teaching, officiating ceremonies, mediating conflicts, or guiding families through times of loss, I find deep satisfaction and spiritual growth in supporting others on their Jewish journey.

In essence, my profession is a sacred obligation, resonating deeply with my soul and providing meaning and purpose to my existence. Through each act of service, I am privileged to contribute to the greater good and enrich the lives of those around me.

My approach.

My approach centers on providing holistic care rooted in tradition/religion. I uphold the sacredness of Jewish customs while addressing spiritual, emotional, and practical needs.

I offer personalized and compassionate care, tailoring my services to meet the unique needs of individuals and families. With patience and generosity, I prioritize understanding and empathy, ensuring each person feels valued and supported.

In conflict resolution, I emphasize mediation and fairness, striving to find solutions that honor the dignity of all involved.

When guiding families through loss, I provide comfort with patience, compassion, and reverence. Assisting with rituals and offering support during mourning, I aim to bring solace in difficult times.

Above all, I aim to empower and enrich lives, inspiring deeper connections to faith, community, and heritage. Despite my busy schedule, I am dedicated to providing convenient and high-quality services, making a meaningful difference in the lives of those I serve.

What can you expect from my sessions / service?

After a session with me, individuals often feel immediate relief and hope. Through our interactions, I strive to instill a sense of optimism and empowerment, leaving them with renewed confidence in facing life’s challenges.

Counseling services are also available in the comfort of your home or through phone/zoom consultations, ensuring accessibility and flexibility in receiving support and guidance.

For those in the five boroughs of New York, I offer the convenience of providing transcribed sacred texts and counseling services directly to your home. For clients living abroad, I ensure overnight secure shipment of ordered texts.

My experience with the Jewish community?

With over 30 years as a Rabbi, I’ve worked extensively with the diverse Jewish community, from Ashkenazi to Sephardic, modern to traditional, and from non-observant to Orthodox and Chassidic communities. My approach is characterized by open-mindedness and empathy, understanding and respecting the beliefs, practices, and traditions of each individual.

I believe diversity strengthens our community, enriching our collective experience and fostering unity. As a Rabbi, I promote dialogue, collaboration, and mutual respect, offering guidance and support to individuals at every stage of their spiritual journey.

In embracing our community’s diversity and celebrating our traditions, we build a stronger, more inclusive Jewish future, where all members feel valued and welcomed

What people are saying


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Codependency fosters low self-esteem, boundary issues, dependency, and relationship strain

Parenting: Nurturing, guiding, and supporting children's growth and development with love.

Make an Appointment

Reach out to me to discuss further




Brooklyn, NY, 11218, United States (US)

Contact Form - Rabbi Benyamin Tamaiev